Can Luke Walton Accomplish What Brown, D’Antoni And Scott Couldn’t?

Six Years!

It seems like six decades. Or maybe even six centuries.

That’s how long it’s been since the Los Angeles Lakers celebrated a National Basketball Association championship.

The year was 2009-2010.

16th Title

Phil Jackson was at the helm of a team that captured its 16th NBA title.

For the Zen Master, it was his 11th as a coach and 13th overall.

Jackson won six championships in Chicago to go along with the five won by his Lakers.

He was also a member of the 1969-1970 and 1972-1973 New York Knick championship teams that beat the Lakers in seven and five games respectively.

Larry Who?

The Lakers might have even forgotten who Larry O’Brien is.

O’Brien served as NBA commissioner from 1975 through 1984.  That was the year they renamed the trophy in his honor.

But before you can hoist the trophy, you have to qualify for the playoffs.

Post Season A Distant Memory

And the Lakers haven’t punch that ticket since the 2012-2013 season.

The result?  They were swept in the first round by San Antonio, 91-79, 102-91, 120-89 and 103-82.

In fact the Lakers last playoff win was way back on May 18, 2012. They beat Oklahoma City, 99-96 in the Western Conference semifinals. It was their only win in the series.

Since then, the cupboard has been bare,

Empty Cupboards

To say the Lakers have been an embarrassment would be an understatement.

They have set consecutive records.  For worst  season in team history.

2013-2014, 27-55.

2014-2015, 21-61.

2015-2016, 17-65.

Hit Rock Bottom

They’ve also established another low water mark.

Since their birth in 1948-1949, no Laker team had gone more than two years without advancing to the playoffs.

And that happened only once, in 1974-1975 and 1975-1976.

Rarely Miss Playoffs

In only three other seasons did the Lakers fail to make the playoffs.

Worse yet, there longest drought without winning an NBA championship has been 11 years (1988-1989 to 1999-2000).

And unfortunately the once proud Purple and Gold aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Coaching Carousel

They’ve gone through Mike Brown, Bernie Bickerstaff (interim), Mike D’Antoni and Bryon Scott with little success.

So now it’s up to Luke Walton, a member of Jackson’s 2009-2010 champions to take the reigns.

Some pundits were skeptical when the 36-year old rookie coach was hired.

Legitimate Skepticism

It was suggested that Walton’s inexperience would be a hindrance in recruiting superstar free agents.

True. Walton’s career NBA coaching record is 0-0.

He was however, the interim head coach of the Golden State Warriors when last season opened.

Steve Kerr sat out the first 43 games while recovering from back surgery.

Historical Season

Kerr would eventually return and guide the Warriors to a 73-9 record, best in league history.

And despite blowing a 3-1 advantage and losing to the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA finals, Kerr was honored as Coach Of The Year.

Yet it was Walton (39-4) who had a better record than Kerr (34-5).

Invisible Accomplishment

(NBA bylaws prohibit records of interim coaches from being officially acknowledged or recognized.)

So it can be argued that Walton indeed has had professional basketball head coaching experience.

Said Laker General Manager Mitch Kupchak at Walton’s introductory news conference:

Lakers Impressed

“Although his body of work is limited to about a half of a season, the fact that he actually has already done it is a big plus going forward in his coaching career.

“He knows what it takes and he knows the decisions and he’s familiar with the decisions to be made during the game.”

Walton is no stranger in Lakerland. He spent eight years in Los Angeles before being traded to Cleveland nine games into the 2011-2012 season.

Fan Favorite

He was extremely popular with the fans who appreciated his lunch pale, blue collar work ethic.

He needs to instill that philosophy into a young core of players who are enthusiastic but inexperienced.

About Walton’s hiring, 24-year old Jordan Clarkson told The Southern California News Group, “I ran around my house for like five minutes. My friends will tell you.

“I jumped over the couch like three or four times in excitement.”

Improved Atmosphere

Walton is successfully bonding with his new team.

It’s a new environment and a stark contrast from the one the Lakers experienced last year under Scott.

Scott had difficulty relating to the his players and it didn’t bode well.

“There’s some coaches in the past that kind of beat you down,” said new assistant Brian Shaw, himself an ex-Laker. “Tear you apart and then they try to build you back up.

“(Walton) is not like that at all. He makes everybody comfortable and you want to play for him.

“He’s a players’ coach, definitely.”

Hard To Describe

Second year guard Anthony Brown, 24,  was asked what he enjoys most about the atmosphere created by the new coach,

“I can’t explain it to you,” Brown answered. “I just can’t put it in words.”

Chimed in Clarkson also 24, “Just something about Luke.”

Enthusiasm Is Contagious

Perhaps it’s his demeanor.

Walton exudes positive vibes.

He calls Julius Randle (21) a “phenomenal athlete.”

He has one word for Brandon Ingrham (19): “Great.”

Walton is “so impressed” by rookie Ivica Zubac (19).

 Praise Everywhere

“He praises all of us on the court,” Clarkson marveled. “He’s always on top of us. He can relate to us.”

“You can’t really compare coaches,” said Metta World Peace, who is four months older than Walton.

“Last year was different. Under those circumstances, you have young players, rookies, and Kobe (Bryant) on his way out.

“You can’t compare it. It’s not fair to anybody.”

Coaching In Walton’s DNA

Of Walton Peace added: “Some people are naturally gifted athletes. He’s naturally into this position,”

The 6’8, 235-pounder knows what lies ahead.

“I don’t want to let them down” Luke emphasized.

“It seems like they’re going to buy in and trust what we’re teaching.

“What we’re teaching better be right.”

Risky Investment?

The Lakers have invested $25M in Walton.

And five years.

Was it money well spent?

Only if that six year drought doesn’t become 11!

The Los Angeles Times Contributed To This Article


John Stellman

I was born with sports in my blood. I began coaching little league baseball at 15. I was the sports editor of my high school newspaper. I did football play by play for the college radio station. I broadcast high school basketball for a local commercial station. But baseball was always my passion. During the 1970's I covered the Angels for the Orange County Register. And now I am back where I belong...
John Stellman
