Dodger Fans Were Boisterous, But Angel Diehards, Where Were You?

I happened to be among the 44,488 fans at Angel Stadium for the opening game of the Freeway Series. Unfortunately, the evening was a total embarrassment for the home team both on the field and in the stands.

On the diamond, the Angels had several critical misplays that contributed to the Dodgers cause. True, they weren’t charged with any errors. But these were plays that could have and should have been made. And they were critical because they either ignited Dodger rallies or prolonged them.

In the stands it was even worse. Dodger fans were louder and more vocal than supporters of the home team. Sure Angel fans got excited when Kole Calhoun and C.J. Cron homered. But it was as if they had to be coaxed into cheering. You know, like the scoreboard lighting up “Let’s Make Noise” or “Get Loud”.

Dodger fans never stopped. They were screaming when the Angels were up to bat. And in the frequent shout offs, all you could hear was “Lets Go Dodgers”. They drowned out the Angel supporters, reducing them to polite bystanders. You’d never find that kind of support for the Angels in Chavez Ravine. And to cap it all off, at one point late in the game, chuckling Dodger fans starting yelling, “Angel fans, where are you?”

My question exactly. I thought I was at Dodger Stadium.

John Stellman

I was born with sports in my blood. I began coaching little league baseball at 15. I was the sports editor of my high school newspaper. I did football play by play for the college radio station. I broadcast high school basketball for a local commercial station. But baseball was always my passion. During the 1970's I covered the Angels for the Orange County Register. And now I am back where I belong...
John Stellman
